Orgain Kids Protein Organic Nutritional Shake
Allegations: Misleadingly marketing that products contain a specific amount of grass-fed protein
Darnell et al v. Orgain Management, Inc.
20-cv-15, N.D. Cal.
(Jan. 2021)
Orgain Unsweetened Vanilla Organic Protein Almondmilk
Misleadingly marketing that the flavoring ingredient comes from vanilla beans when the product does not contain any vanilla and the flavor comes from artificial flavors and unspecified “natural flavors”
Allegations: Misleadingly marketing that products contain a specific amount of grass-fed protein
Allegations: Misleadingly representing that the flavoring ingredient is vanilla when the ingredients list shows that the product contains unspecified “Natural Flavors” and testing reveals that the vanilla flavor comes from…
Allegations: Misleadingly marketing protein powder as vanilla and providing “clean nutrition”
In October 2020, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Orgain for allegedly falsely advertising that the flavoring ingredient in its Organic Nutrition Vanilla Shakes is vanilla when, according to plaintiffs,…
In February 2020, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Orgain, Inc. for allegedly misleadingly marketing that the exclusive flavor in Orgain Organic Protein Almondmilk is vanilla when, according to plaintiffs,…
In October 2018, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Orgain, Inc. for allegedly falsely advertising Orgain Organic Nutrition Shakes as containing “16g Protein” when, according to plaintiffs, testing shows that…
December 2014: This action was voluntarily dismissed When a complaint is dismissed with prejudice, it cannot be refiled.. The reasons have not been disclosed. March 2014: A class-action lawsuit was…
Six big game marketers that have been accused of fumbling ad claims.
This marketing may come with some baggage.
Madison Burgess, Daily Mail
This gym may want to work harder at being transparent about this offer.
TINA.org examines holes in “bulletproof” product claims.