Batman vs. Bateman | State Farm
Having insurance isn’t the same as having State Farm. It’s like getting Bateman when you need the protection of Batman.
In February 2020, a class-action lawsuit was filed against advertisers of Nuvega Lash for allegedly falsely marketing cosmetics on various websites and in social media advertisements. Among other things, the complaint alleges that the advertisers:
Plaintiffs also claim that disclosures containing the subscription terms do not appear on mobile or tablet devices, and are inadequate on desktop computers because the font size is too small, the color of the font is “almost unreadable against the background,” and the information is in a lengthy paragraph of text. (Adam et al v. Barone et al, Case No. 20-cv-761, N.D. Cal.)
For more of TINA.org’s coverage of cosmetics, click here.
Having insurance isn’t the same as having State Farm. It’s like getting Bateman when you need the protection of Batman.
There are several red flags regarding this purported doctor.
What you should know about this telehealth company’s compounded medication.
Why you should read all the terms before taking the bait on this offer.
Cautionary stories like Belle Gibson’s are not unique.