Little Ceaser’s Crazy Puffs
No eyebrows were harmed in the making of this Crazy Puffs commercial
In September 2012, a class action was filed against Nissan for allegedly hiding the fact that its Leaf cars prematurely lose battery life and driving range. The unhappy drivers are asking that Nissan remove and replace their battery systems, reform its Leaf battery warranty, cover the loss of battery capacity under warranty, and reimburse them for any repairs made. (Humberto Daniel Klee, et al. v. Nissan North America, Inc., et al., Case No. 12-cv-08238)
No eyebrows were harmed in the making of this Crazy Puffs commercial
TINA.org reader was charged a lot more than the advertised price. He’s not alone.
TINA.org explores the divide between the marketing and the science.
Be wary of these life-changing claims.
TINA.org reader receives a suspicious email.