Class Action

Netgear’s Range Extenders

Class Action

Netgear’s Range Extenders

In May 2018, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Netgear for allegedly falsely representing that its WiFi range extenders extend the range of wireless internet networks by close to 200 percent when, according to the plaintiffs, the products extend the range of networks by less than 50 percent. Two days after the complaint was filed, a federal judge dismissed the complaint without prejudice for lack of jurisdiction. Plaintiffs have until June 21, 2018 to file an amended complaint. (Fischer et al v. Netgear, Inc., Case No. 18-cv-3650, N.D. Ill.)

For more information about other class-action lawsuits filed against Netgear and’s coverage of the company, click here.

Class-Action Tracker

Netgear’s Arlo Baby Monitor

Class Action

Netgear’s Arlo Baby Monitor

In May 2018, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Netgear alleging that its all-in-one baby monitor Arlo Baby does not work as advertised. Plaintiffs claim that the company misleadingly markets…

Netgear’s NAS Devices

Class Action

Netgear’s NAS Devices

In March 2018, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Netgear for allegedly falsely advertising its Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices. Specifically, the plaintiffs claim that the company promises that the…

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