MegaRed Omega-3 Krill Oil
March 2015: This action was dismissed When a complaint is dismissed without prejudice, an amended version of the complaint can be refiled.. The reasons for the dismissal have not been…
July 2017: The named plaintiff’s claims were voluntarily dismissed When a complaint is dismissed with prejudice, it cannot be refiled. because the parties reached a settlement agreement. The terms of the agreement have not been disclosed. Class members claims were dismissed When a complaint is dismissed without prejudice, an amended version of the complaint can be refiled..
August 2015: A class-action lawsuit was filed against Schiff Nutrition International for allegedly falsely marketing that the MegaRed Omega-3 Krill Oil supplement reduces the risk of coronary heart disease when, in reality, the supplement does not work as advertised and the company does not have adequate scientific evidence to support the claim. (Johnston et al v. Schiff Nutrition International, Inc. and Reckitt Benckiser LLC, Case No. 15-cv-3669, N. D. CA.)
For more information about other class-action lawsuits regarding MegaRed supplements and TINA.org’s coverage of the product, click here.
For more information about other class-action lawsuits filed against Schiff Nutrition International and TINA.org’s coverage of the company, click here.
March 2015: This action was dismissed When a complaint is dismissed without prejudice, an amended version of the complaint can be refiled.. The reasons for the dismissal have not been…
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TINA.org Joins with AARP in Objecting to Move Free Class-Action Settlement MADISON, Conn., March 12, 2015 — More than 46 million people suffer from arthritis, many of them elderly, and…
Consumers report adverse reactions.
Class-action settlement over supplement sold by Walmart, Walgreens and Supervalu provides little relief to consumers.