CVS Rewards Phishing Scam
TINA.org reader receives a suspicious email.
In April 2018, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Lennar Homes of California for allegedly misleading consumers by representing that homes it is selling are identical to model homes in pictures when, according to the complaint, the homes and features in them – such as the bathrooms and shower entrances – are different. (Elhendi et al v. Lennar Homes of California, Inc., Case No. 30-2018-00988051, California State Court – Los Angeles County)
TINA.org reader receives a suspicious email.
Six big game marketers that have been accused of fumbling ad claims.
This marketing may come with some baggage.
Matthew McConaughey is Mike Ditka in this hilarious Super Bowl ad
This gym may want to work harder at being transparent about this offer.