Class Action

GT 72 and GT 80 Series of Gaming Laptops

Class Action

GT 72 and GT 80 Series of Gaming Laptops

In April 2017, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Micro-Star International Co. and MSI Computer Corp. for allegedly misleadingly marketing that consumers can upgrade the graphics card in the GT 72 and 80 series of gaming laptops from NVIDIA GTX 970 and 980 GPUs to later generations of the NVIDIA GPUs – such as the 1000 series of NVIDIA Pascal GE Force GTX GPUs – when such claims are not true because the graphics card in the laptops cannot be upgraded to the 1000 series of NVIDIA. (Thornton et al v. Micro-Star International Co., Ltd., MSI Computer Corp., and Does 1-25, Case No. 17-cv-3231, C. D. CA.)

For more information about the marketing of laptops, click here.

Class-Action Tracker

Nvidia GeForce GTX 970

Class Action

Nvidia GeForce GTX 970

December 2016: A federal judge granted final approval of the settlement. August 2016: A federal judge preliminarily approved this settlement. A final fairness hearing is scheduled for December 7, 2016.…

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