October 2018: A state court judge granted final approval of a settlement agreement providing class members with a $0.25 refund for every product purchased. Class members without proof of purchase may receive a maximum award of $1 per household while class members with proof of purchase may receive a maximum of $12.50 per household. In addition, the company agreed to modify the fill-level of candy boxes to reduce the amount of empty space. For more information, go to http://www.candyproductssettlement.com/.
May 2018: A class-action lawsuit was filed against Taste of Nature for allegedly deceptively packaging candy – including Cookie Dough Bites, Fudge Brownie Cookie Dough Bites, Cinnamon Bun Bites, Despicable Me 2 Sour Gummies, and Hello Kitty Treats – in cardboard containers with non-functional You know when you buy a big bag of chips, and you’re all psyched for a feast, and then it turns out there are like, three chips in the bag? That bag is slack filled.. (Trentham et al v. Taste of Nature, Inc., Case No. 18PH-CV00751, Missouri State Court – Phelps County)