Class Action

Clearly Natural Essentials Soaps and Body Lotion

Class Action

Clearly Natural Essentials Soaps and Body Lotion

September 2017: This case was voluntarily dismissed When a complaint is dismissed without prejudice, an amended version of the complaint can be refiled., the reasons for which have not been disclosed.

July 2017: A class-action lawsuit was filed against Clearly Natural Essentials for allegedly deceptively marketing various soaps and a body lotion as natural and pure when, according to plaintiffs, they contain artificial and synthetic ingredients. (Paul et al v. Beaumont Products Inc. d/b/a Clearly Natural Essentials, Case No. 17-cv-1225, C. D. CA.)

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Class-Action Tracker

Clearly Natural Essentials Products

Class Action

Clearly Natural Essentials Products

April 2018: This case was dismissed When a complaint is dismissed without prejudice, an amended version of the complaint can be refiled. because the parties reached a settlement agreement. The…

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