Worst False Ad Settlements of 2024
Some class-action settlements that left consumers behind.
In September 2014, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Cigna Health and Life Insurance Co. for allegedly deceptively engaging in a bait and switch scheme. Among other things, plaintiffs claim that the company misleadingly represented that physicians and hospitals participated in the Affordable Care Act Plans when, in reality, they did not. (Davison et al v. Cigna Health and Life Insurance Co., et al, Case No. BC558566, Superior Court for the State of California for the County of Los Angeles).
For more information about other class-action lawsuits regarding the misleading advertising of insurance and TINA.org’s coverage of the issue, click here.
Some class-action settlements that left consumers behind.
This store’s discounts do not go by the book.
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TINA.org offers some tips on how to avoid a shopping mishap this season.