Wonder Hoodie’s ‘Bulletproof’ Clothing
Does this company have the ammunition to support its bulletproof claims?
In January 2014, the plaintiff voluntarily dismissed a class-action lawsuit alleging that T.C.C.D. International misleadingly labels Buckpower, a dietary supplement containing New Zealand Red Deer Antler Velvet. Specifically, the complaint alleges that the supplement has the ability to “increase muscle strength & recovery,” “promote healthy joint function,” “improve[] energy & endurance,” and “boost[] libido” when, in reality, it does not work as advertised. We do not know why the plaintiffs dismissed the complaint. (Clark et al v. T.C.C.D. International, Inc. and Does 1-10, Case No. 13-cv-08140, C. D. CA.).
For more information about other class-action lawsuits regarding the marketing of supplements containing deer antler velvet and TINA.org’s coverage of the issue, click here.
Does this company have the ammunition to support its bulletproof claims?
Consumer complaints worth remembering.
Why this eyewear company’s advertised “starting” prices may not be 20/20.
MADISON, CONN. Dec. 12, 2024— In a win for consumers, a court has ordered Quincy Bioscience to stop advertising Prevagen using memory-improvement claims. This follows a near-decade-long campaign by the…
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