Consumers Throw Flags on Super Bowl Advertisers
Six big game marketers that have been accused of fumbling ad claims.
August 2019: This case was voluntarily dismissed When a complaint is dismissed with prejudice, it cannot be refiled. for undisclosed reasons.
May 2019: A class-action lawsuit was filed against Boxy Charm (a company that offers subscriptions for boxes of cosmetics) alleging that the company fails to adequately disclose the terms, conditions, and cancellation policy for its automatic renewal and continuous service offers, in violation of California state law. (Vasquez-Cossio et al v. Boxy Charm, Inc., Case No. 19-cv-869, C.D. Cal.)
For more of TINA.org’s coverage of subscriptions, click here.
Six big game marketers that have been accused of fumbling ad claims.
This marketing may come with some baggage.
Madison Burgess, Daily Mail
This gym may want to work harder at being transparent about this offer.
TINA.org examines holes in “bulletproof” product claims.