Rihanna embodies the triumphant and free-spirited femininity of J’adore through the lens of Steven Klein.
Glancey et al v. Trek Bicycle Corp.
21-cv-120, S.D.N.Y.)
(Jan. 2021)
Bontrager WaveCel bicycle helmets
Advertising that helmets are “up to 48x more effective than traditional foam helmets in protecting your head from injuries caused by certain cycling accidents” without having scientific studies to substantiate such claims
Rihanna embodies the triumphant and free-spirited femininity of J’adore through the lens of Steven Klein.
TINA.org joins coalition of consumer organizations in support of the proposed rule
Company distances itself from touted “studies” while continuing to use deceptive health claims.
Can you earn a salary just by placing a small sticker on your car?
Lawsuits accuse companies of using deceptive claims to reel in consumers.