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January 2022: The Court preliminarily approved a settlement agreement that would resolve the Faris case, as well as another related case, Copley v. Bactolac Pharmaceutical, Inc. (Case No. 18-cv-575, E.D.N.Y.). For more information, go to https://www.naturmedivlsettlement.com/.
March 2020: A class-action lawsuit was filed against Bactolac Pharmaceutical, NaturMed, and Independent Vital Life for allegedly misleadingly marketing All Day Energy Greens as an “all natural energy drink” that increases energy, improves digestion, and supports weight management when, according to plaintiffs, the product does not provide any of the advertised benefits, is dangerous, and may result in serious illness and death. (Faris et al v. Bactolac Pharmaceutical, Inc. et al, Case No. 20-cv-1338, E.D.N.Y.)
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Verizon Super Bowl FanFest is hitting 30 cities for a Super Bowl experience like no other. You In?
This risk-free trial might have you pulling your hair out.
Proposed new earnings claim rule comes three years after TINA.org comment to FTC.
How negative feelings surrounding menstruation have influenced period product marketing.