Guitar Hero Live
In September 2018, a false advertising class-action lawsuit was filed against Activision regarding the marketing of Guitar Hero Live music video games. According to the plaintiffs, the company represented that…
Suris et al v. Activision Publishing, Inc.
21-cv-1312, E.D.N.Y.
(March 2021)
Guitar Hero Live
Misleadingly marketing that players would be able to play the game online when the company terminated the online feature in December 2018, which eliminated 92% of the games’ playable music tracks and several features in the game
In September 2018, a false advertising class-action lawsuit was filed against Activision regarding the marketing of Guitar Hero Live music video games. According to the plaintiffs, the company represented that…
New rules take aim at deceptive earnings claims.
How negative feelings surrounding menstruation have influenced period product marketing.
Why these products may leave you wanting more.
Class-action lawsuits target preservative-free claims.
Revenge is Sweet