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March 2016: Plaintiffs filed a consolidated amended complaint alleging that Performance Lacrosse Group falsely represents that its Cascade R lacrosse helmets meet the NOCSAE safety standards when such claims are not true. According to the complaint, the NOCSAE voided its certification for these helmets in November 2014 after an investigation revealed the helmets failed to meet such standards. (Held et al v. Performance Lacrosse Group Inc., Case No. 14-cv-1842, D. CT.)
March 2015: This lawsuit was transferred from a court in Pennsylvania to one in Connecticut.
December 2014: A class-action lawsuit was filed against Performance Sports Group and Cascade Lacrosse, the marketers of the Cascade Model R lacrosse helmet. Specifically, the complaint alleges that the helmet is marketed as complying with the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE) safety standards for lacrosse helmets when, in reality, it does not. (The NOCSAE is a non-profit organization that sets safety standards all lacrosse helmets must meet). (Hemberger et al v. Performance Sports Group, Ltd. and Cascade Lacrosse, Case No. 14-cv-6981, E. D. PA.).
For more information about other class-action lawsuits regarding the marketing of helmets and’s coverage of the issue, click here.
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