Country Crock Plant Butter Made with Olive Oil
Allegations: Misleadingly marketing products as if they contain a significant amount of olive oil when the ingredients list reveals that they contain more of a blend of other plant-based oils…
Allegations: Misleadingly marketing products as if they contain a significant amount of olive oil when the ingredients list reveals that they contain more of a blend of other plant-based oils…
Allegations: Misleadingly marketing products as made with avocado oil
Allegations: Misleadingly marketing products as made with olive oil
Allegations: Misleadingly marketing products as “Made With Avocado Oil”
Allegations: Misleadingly marketing butter as made with almond oil when the ingredients list shows that it contains more palm fruit, palm kernel, and canola oils than almond oil
Allegations: Misleadingly marketing butter as being “Made with Olive Oil” when the ingredient list shows that the product actually contains more palm kernel oil, canola oil, and palm fruit oil…