Hands Off My Halos: IRS
Revenge is Sweet
A group of consumers who purchased Nexium, a heartburn medication, in Massachusetts since March 2001 filed a class-action lawsuit against AstraZeneca. They claimed that the pharmaceutical company deceptively marketed the medication as superior to its other heartburn drugs so that consumers would buy the more expensive Nexium. In October 2012, AstraZeneca agreed to settle the lawsuit but the terms of the settlement have not yet been announced. (Commonwealth Care Alliance v. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals L.P., Case No. 05-0269)
Revenge is Sweet
This company may need to cleanse its marketing tactics.
A closer look at what we’ll be monitoring in the new year.
Looking back at our accomplishments.
How this rental car company uses subterfuge to get you to pay for something you may not need.