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Spam email leads to a fake endorsement from Dr. Oz, among other celebrities.
UPDATE 8/28/17: After conducting a review of health claims referred to the agency by NAD, the FTC has opted not to pursue enforcement action against Steuart Laboratories at this time. Since publishing this alert, Steuart’s has made a few changes to its website including removing its “Hassle Free” guarantee and the statement that it “works faster than any steroid and capsaicin driven formula out on the market.” Below is the original ad alert.
Steuart’s Pain Formula claims that it “banishes aches and pains naturally” and works faster than “any steroid and capsaicin driven formula out on the market.” But when a competitor challenged the claim and an industry self-regulatory board asked for proof, the company was silent.
Among the claims, which EuroPharma, Inc. requested The National Advertising Division (NAD) is the advertising industry’s self-regulatory body administered by the Council of Better Business Bureaus. investigate were:
NAD also requested substantiation for numerous testimonials that were on the site including:
We found a few more:
When Steuart’s Laboratory Inc. failed to respond to NAD’s inquiry NAD referred the issue to the FTC.
In addition to the challenged claims, we at TINA.org found some other red flags. The company prominently features a “No Hassle Guarantee,” on their website. However, upon closer review, we found that refunds could take between 3-6 weeks for processing. Some people would certainly consider that sort of time frame a hassle.
For more on our coverage of pain relief products or supplements, click here.
Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.
Spam email leads to a fake endorsement from Dr. Oz, among other celebrities.
Doctor pitches bogus health treatments in violation of federal order.
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