Ad Alert

Physician Naturals

A reader passed along a link to a site she thought was suspicious, The website has a variety of supplements that claim all sorts of health benefits. According to the site:

Our supplements provide comprehensive health benefits including Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Anti-Aging, Anti-Cancer, Cholesterol Maintenance and Weight Loss to comprehensive immune support.

One of the ingredients is Curcumin 1100, which the site states is anti-tumor and anti-cancer as evidenced by many amazing testimonials. One said:

In January 2012 my husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and they could not do surgery. He was given at most a year to live. In October 2012, they had to stop with the chemo because of his platelets falling so low. That is when I start giving him 8 tablets a day of curcumin. His cancer counts went from 16000 to 9, which is that of a normal person. He only has to take two a day and is now considered in remission. His pancreatic doctor now is telling everyone about your site since we gave her all the info.”

Another said:

“I have grade 2 oligodendroglioma brain cancer. I had a biopsy done in 2007 and followed it up with 6 months Temodar and another 6 months after I got a second opinion 5 months later at the Mayo Clinic. The treatment did not change my tumor at all but it kept it from growing. I went back on Temodar in Sept. 2013 because it started growing again. After less than 3 months of Curcumin with the 3 mo. of Temodar, it looks like it stopped growing and may even be receding!”

Curcumin is actually “a substance in turmeric,” which can be found in curry. WebMD calls it an unproven treatment. In fact, the FDA created a table of the 187 Fake Cancer “Cures” Consumers Should AvoidI, and on that list are firms that sell curcumin as a “cure.”

The site also states that none of these products have been tested by the FDA, and are not meant to cure any diseases.

The site links to an article that says curcumin is a powerful tool in the fight against prostate cancer and dementia. The article is on a site called, which in fine print at the bottom of the page notes that its content is commentary and opinion “for educational and entertainment purposes only” and is not “intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind.”

The Physician Naturals site also has a badge stating that it is “doctor trusted” and lists Dr. Daniel Hanley as having reviewed the products and website claims and deemed them “reasonable science based health claims.” Hanley posted his resume and blurb on a freelance site where he said: “I am highly capable of doing anything you need done.”

Supplements advertising a quick fix for ailments such as curcumin should be evaluated carefully. To find out more, check out these articles on supplements.


Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.

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