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Peak Height

Want to grow taller? You might want to think twice before you try this one on for size.

A supplement called Peak Height promises to add inches to one’s stature. For some of us height-challenged staff members here at, this drew our interest and we investigated further.

The company’s website states:

Peak Height was developed maximize height with the goal of adding 1-3 inches to your final adult height. This height is above and beyond what your natural height had you not taken Peak Height pills. The sooner you start using Peak Height, the more height you will gain.

Testimonials boast about rapid height growth after taking the supplements:

  • “Peak height has changed my life. I have grown three inches.”
  • “I’m 20 and I’ve been taking peak height for about 3 months now and I have grown 2 inches. Amazed how it still works at my age.”
  • “I was unhappy with my height and i was about to consider height surgery but i stumbled across Peak Height. I’ve grown 2 inches!”

This is all accompanied by more graphs about how tall people are happier and make more money.

But hold on. If you look closely at the website, the company notes that users who take the supplement who are not deficient in any of its ingredients won’t see a height increase. And, it recommends that height-seekers take the supplements for 6-12 months during their peak growth spurt years. (Convenient timing. Seems to us you are definitely going to do some growing during that period of time that may not be attributable to these pills at all.)

BoardCertifiedAnother red flag: The company claims the supplement was developed by a U.S. medical doctor, who the site never names, and the picture of the man in a doctor’s coat is actually a stock image.

Also, in its FAQ section, the website states:

“Is Peak Height F.D.A. approved?

Peak Height falls under the Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act (DSHEA). Our manufacturer, Ion Labs has been approved to produce Peak Height.”

Consumers should note that the supplement does indeed fall under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) and what that actually means is that the FDA doesn’t scrutinize or pre-approve the product as safe and effective as it does pharmaceuticals.

And while the site suggests the manufacturer has been approved, the FDA does not “approve” manufacturers or laboratories. The lab, Ion Labs Inc., only says it’s registered with the FDA, not approved by it.

In addition, while the company promises a “100 percent risk free” guarantee, it’s not so risk free. First, you can only return what you haven’t used. Second, there’s a 15 percent processing fee, which can add up if you are purchasing a year’s supply at $299.99.

Supplements guaranteeing height results are no stranger to the FTC. In 2006 the FTC filed a complaint against the makers of HeightMax dietary supplement for making false or unsubstantiated claims about height increases for children.

Be wary of supplement claims—including those that promise these types of results. For more information on supplements click here.

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