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FDA Tells KIND Bars to Lose ‘Healthy’ Claims

FDA says some KIND bars pack too much saturated fat to be advertised as "healthy" snack.

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FDA Tells KIND Bars to Lose ‘Healthy’ Claims

UPDATE: The FDA now says KIND can continue to label its bars “healthy” as the agency reevaluates its definition for the term.

Snacking. Sometimes it’s the only thing to get you through a long afternoon at the office. But all that mindless eating can really add up — especially around the, er, midsection. Luckily, though, there are KIND bars, a healthy and tasty snacking option.

Or maybe not.

The FDA is calling on KIND to stop labeling four of its bars as a “healthy” snack. The agency says the bars simply contain too much saturated fat to be advertised as healthy with federal standards setting the limit at 1 gram per serving.

The four varieties in question are almond and apricot (3.5 grams of saturated fat per serving), almond and coconut (5 grams), peanut butter and dark chocolate plus protein (3.5 grams), and dark chocolate cherry cashew plus antioxidants (2.5 grams).

An FDA warning letter dated March 17 and released publicly this week cites other problem labeling claims on the bars including “good source of fiber,” “no trans fat,” and “non GMO glucose.” The letter also finds fault with the plus symbols on two of the four bars.

The agency wrote:

You should take prompt action to correct the violations. Failure to promptly correct the violations may result in regulatory action without further notice, including seizure and/or injunction.

KIND addressed news of the letter in a post this week on the company’s website. The post said KIND was working to bring its advertising into compliance. It also defended the nutritional value of the bars in question:

Nuts, key ingredients in many of our snacks and one of the things that make fans love our bars, contain nutritious fats that exceed the amount allowed under the FDA’s standard. This is similar to other foods that do not meet the standard for use of the term healthy, but are generally considered to be good for you like avocados, salmon and eggs.

If your shopping list includes “a healthy snack,” it might be best to consult the nutrition facts instead of putting all your faith in one or two words on the label.

Find more of our coverage on snacks here.

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