Ad Alert

eMug by

Sometimes only one or two claims about a product seem suspicious. And then sometimes every single claim seems suspicious. The claims makes about its eMug — only $84.50! — fall decidedly into the second category.

Here’s what eWater claims about their product (which, as far as we can tell, looks a lot like a regular mug):

  • The acid bite of juices, coffees and teas is nearly eliminated.
  • Overall texture becomes smoother.
  • The addictive nature of substances is reduced.
  • The body is given more natural energy without artificial highs.
  • Candy, sodas, coffees and deserts [sic] may be placed in or on the eMug for reduced cravings and blood sugar disruption.
  • Use of the eMug encourages greater consumption of pure water.
  • A recommended natural energy source when fasting!
  • Protects from any environmental chaos within six feet of the eMug
  • Erases the memory of chaotic imprints known to remain in liquids that can cause adverse body response.
  • Helps bring about and maintain an internal balance within the body.

. . . hmm. Hmmmmm. But wait, there’s more. The eMug also does this:

When any substance is placed in or on the Essential Energy eMug (also known as E Mug), the “energy information” is transferred from the Quantum Harmonic BioSupport(R) Technology within the eMug to the water in the new liquid or solid. Bovis levels of 30-40K may be obtained within minutes and the very balancing 90 K within minutes instead of hours. The electrons in the substance take on a positive left spin. Their free radical nature is virtually eliminated! The body can more easily process and eliminate chemicals, allergens, or pathogens. “Negative memories” within a liquid substance formerly retained are wiped away within seconds! Along with a good alkalizing diet, bio available minerals and common sense, the E MUG will become an indispensable tool in your every day living.

We know we hate it when the electrons in our coffee have a negative right spin, which is just the worst and really does ruin the taste.

We recommend consumers think about whether these claims seem like things that could be even remotely true before dropping $84.50 on a coffee mug.

Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.

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