FTC Impersonation Scams Rule Comments

TINA.org submitted comments to the FTC regarding its proposed rulemaking to address impersonation scams.


April 30

TINA.org submits a comment in response to the FTC’s proposal to amend the Rule on Impersonation of Government and Businesses to include impersonation of individuals. TINA.org’s comment lays out its experience with celebrity impersonation scams, scammers with fake profiles on social media and dating apps, companies that steal individual’s images to sell “dupe” products, and virtual influencers who “impersonate” individuals. TINA.org supports the amendments and encourages the Commission to also ban providing the means for impersonation if it is known that those tools are used to deceive consumers.

April 1

The FTC’s final Trade Regulation Rule on Impersonation of Government and Businesses goes into effect.

December 16

TINA.org submits a comment to the FTC regarding its proposed Rule on Impersonation of Government and Businesses. In its comment, TINA.org discusses its experience investigating such scams, particularly scams impersonating SAM.gov, a free, official U.S. government website that provides assistance with government grants and contracts. TINA.org also expresses support for the commission’s proposed rulemaking, especially in the wake of the Supreme Court’s AMG Capital Management decision, as a rule will substantially improve the agency’s ability to combat and deter fraud in this area.


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Allegations: Deceptively representing that GovSimplified is a government website and charging consumers for services they can receive for free elsewhere