
5667 Results


Walgreens Acne Products

Class Action

Walgreens Acne Products

Allegations: Misleadingly representing that products were safe when they contain, or were at risk of containing, the carcinogen benzene

Boar’s Head Cold Cuts

Class Action

Boar’s Head Cold Cuts

Allegations: Failing to disclose that products are contaminated with listeria monocytogenes, which could lead to adverse health consequences

Neiman Marcus

Class Action

Neiman Marcus

Allegations: Misrepresenting that it safeguards consumers’ personal information when it failed to do so and there was a data breach in 2024

Mondelez Products

Class Action

Mondelez Products

Allegations: Misleadingly marketing that the company sources cocoa using sustainable practices that “help protect people & planet” when the company uses practices that harm the environment and perpetuate child and…

Noom Weight-Loss App

Class Action

Noom Weight-Loss App

Allegations: Making misleading representations and failing to disclose information about the weight-loss app

Optavia Premier

Class Action

Optavia Premier

Allegations: Failing to adequately disclose the terms of subscriptions for weight-loss products and services

IGK Dry Shampoo

Class Action

IGK Dry Shampoo

Allegations: Falsely marketing that products are safe when they contain dangerously high levels of the carcinogen benzene

Clif Kid ZBars

Class Action

Clif Kid ZBars

Allegations: Marketing bars as healthy and nutritious when they contain an excessive amount of sugar

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