
11864 Results


Mondelez Products

Class Action

Mondelez Products

Allegations: Misleadingly marketing that the company sources cocoa using sustainable practices that “help protect people & planet” when the company uses practices that harm the environment and perpetuate child and…

Noom Weight-Loss App

Class Action

Noom Weight-Loss App

Allegations: Making misleading representations and failing to disclose information about the weight-loss app

Optavia Premier

Class Action

Optavia Premier

Allegations: Failing to adequately disclose the terms of subscriptions for weight-loss products and services

IGK Dry Shampoo

Class Action

IGK Dry Shampoo

Allegations: Falsely marketing that products are safe when they contain dangerously high levels of the carcinogen benzene

Clif Kid ZBars

Class Action

Clif Kid ZBars

Allegations: Marketing bars as healthy and nutritious when they contain an excessive amount of sugar


Class Action


Allegations: Failing to adequately disclose the terms of subscriptions and making them difficult to cancel


Ad Alert


U.K. ad regulator takes issue with celeb endorsement.

Rite Aid

Class Action

Rite Aid

Allegations: Misrepresenting that it protects consumers’ personal information when it failed to do so and there was a data breach in June 2024

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